In this era we did so much but still feels nothing, we did.
Our year was interrupted, how fast did the time go.
We watched each other through screens and not through eyes.
We just felt so lonely...

We will soon be, be together drowned by the sea,
we will swim through; we will swim through.
We will soon be, be together drowned by the sea,
we will swim through; we will swim through it.

Speaking our mind out just to ourselves is not fair.
Time just ticks tocks by listen my heart do something.
Each step I take, positive - negative vibes flow by
these all run through my brain, do something.

Every day in these times I try to learn something new
It really makes me cherished and I smile through
Every time blanket covers my dreamy head
All comes is my lost memories

We will soon be, be together drowned by the sea,
we will swim through; we will swim through.
We will soon be, be together drowned by the sea,
we will swim through; we will swim through it.

Ooh my heart oh my mind just speak out.
Ooh my blood oh my tears just flow out
Ooh I am telling myself to speak out
Maybe you all will feel the same.

We will soon be, be together drowned by the sea,
we will swim through, we will swim through
We will soon be, be together drowned by the sea,
we will swim through; we will swim through it.